Noble REMC News

  • Stay in the know

    Stay connected by keeping your contact information up to date. Current contact information benefits you in multiple ways.

  • Bringing unique value to our community

    Electric cooperatives stand out from other types of businesses because we are built and led by the communities we serve. As independent, not-for-profit electric utilities, we are owned and governed by our local members–– not by outside shareholders or investors. That is a powerful difference.

  • Lighting the Way: Stangland feels right at home

    He’s been a part of the Noble REMC team for less than a year, but Journeyman Lineman Eli Stangland is already one of the guys. Stangland grew up in the Wolf Lake area before heading a bit south to learn the electric industry at Columbia City Municipal Utilities. But when he had an opportunity to come back closer to his roots, he took the chance and began his tenure at the co-op last April.

  • Fun for the youngest among us

    What are your kids up to this summer? Noble REMC sponsors multiple opportunities for a variety of youth. All they need to do is find what appeals to them and apply!

  • Lighting the Way: Yoder is proud to work at his hometown co-op

    A few months away from rounding out his second year at Noble REMC, Sawyer Yoder is enjoying his time on the right-of-way crew. Maintaining our lines by trimming trees and spraying vegetation may be his day-to-day, but his favorite part is his interactions with members and their appreciation for the often-thankless work that keeps their power flowing.

  • Going green to give back with EnviroWatts

    Is your organization improving the air quality of our area? Are you trying to create or restore habitat for wildlife? Do you encourage recycling or educate the public on local environmental issues? Perfect! Now’s the time to apply for our EnviroWatts grant program!

  • Sounding Board: Use your voice, run for our Board of Directors

    Noble REMC’s directors are community-minded individuals with a variety of skill sets. Our board of directors is made up of farmers, business owners, bus drivers and more. We rely on their many talents to help us make informed decisions on long-term priorities and investments. Our directors live right here in our service area, and we consider them the eyes and ears of the community because they provide their perspective on important local issues.

  • Lighting the Way: Gray stakes a path at the co-op

    In 12 years at Noble REMC, Zane Gray has earned his way from apprentice lineman to journeyman lineman and, a few years ago, to staking engineer. Making the decision for his family and a new change of pace, he enjoys the freedom of setting his schedule to meet with members starting new services or building new businesses and homes. Our members are his mission.

  • Welcome to the team, Lane

    It wasn’t the job per se that drew Lane Norris to apply for our right-of-way crew member position — it was the idea of joining a cooperative that sparked his interest.

  • Avoid utility scams

    Scammers will threaten you with everything from shutting off power to your home to legal action. Don’t fall victim to these types of scams.

  • Giving back is the cooperative way

    The holiday season brings a spirit of generosity and compassion. It’s a time to reflect on our many blessings and uplift those in need. While this is certainly a special time of year, cooperatives like Noble REMC are deeply rooted in giving back to their local communities year-round.

  • Operation Round Up: Giving back and looking ahead

    Noble REMC’s goal in giving back to the community is to impact organizations across our service territory for a multitude of worthy causes. Our Operation Round Up program is a large contributor to this mission through distributing grants each quarter to local nonprofits working hard to improve our quality of life.

  • Lighting the Way: Knox keeps growing in his REMC career

    It didn’t take Cole Knox long to move from a right-of-way crew member to right-of-way foreman — only about a year, in fact — but it was a moment of being in the right place at the right time. Knox is always looking for ways to be more impactful and help people. It’s his personal mission to continue to grow — this leadership role allows him to do just that. Noble REMC is lucky to have such a focused and driven employee leading our right-of-way crew.