Board of Directors

Our Board Members

As a not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative, Noble REMC is governed by a nine-member elected board of directors, which meets every month. These individuals are members from districts throughout our service territory. They are elected by mail-in voting on a rotating basis, and results are announced at our annual meeting.


Board of Directors

How to run for your board of directors

You may question how you can contribute to an electric cooperative board: “I don’t know anything about electricity!” We’re not looking for electrical expertise – we can teach you that.

We’re looking for members who are passionate and hardworking individuals and will bring their experience and perspective to learn how to best serve their fellow co-op members.

In a routine year, there are three districts up for election, with applications available from January into March. Voting for the board of directors takes place by mail in the spring, and winners are announced at the Annual Meeting in June. The Annual Meeting is a video broadcast that takes place on our social media platforms to meet our members where they prefer to be reached – in the comfort of their homes. It provides an overview of the past year, while also looking ahead to the future of the co-op.

To run for election, qualified members of Noble REMC, who live in the districts up for election, must file a petition with the signatures of 15 Noble REMC members supporting the candidacy.

We will provide the petitions for election, as well as other board information, and completed petitions and biographical information must be returned to the cooperative by the set deadline.

For more information about the board of directors’ election process, please call our office at 800-933-7362.

Who's your director?

Click on the pin near where you live to find which director represents your district.

Board Responsive Map

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9