Below you will find information pertaining to the load management rate program for your irrigation systems. Please contact our Line Foreman or Manager of Engineering & Operations at 800-933-7362 to receive and complete the rate choice form.
You will need to:
- Signify the rate you select and the number of horsepower from the well pump to the end gun for each irrigation account.
- Provide contact information and list all names, phone numbers and phone carriers of the people you wish to receive a call and/or text message in regard to the control of your irrigation systems.
Irrigation Rate
CT Cabinet Irrigation
Load Management Installation Sheet
The load management program will:
- Be in effect May through September.
- Be limited to one control period per day.
- Be limited to a maximum of 40 hours each month.
- Not be controlled past 8 p.m.
- Be initiated Monday through Friday.
- Be in effect no more than five consecutive hours (3-4 hours typical).
(Saturday, Sunday and holidays are exempt from control.)