Join us for some family fun at your Member Appreciation Event from 5:30-8 p.m. on May 29 at the Noble County Community Fairgrounds!
Operation Round Up® is made possible by our participating members, who generously allow Noble REMC to round up their bill to the next whole dollar. Those pennies on the dollar are collected into a trust fund and distributed as grants to local nonprofit organizations each quarter.
Since its inception two decades ago, Noble REMC Operation Round Up has given back more than $1 million to local communities, benefiting numerous organizations in our service territory.
Nonprofit, community-based organizations and school corporations serving the general area of our service territory, primarily Noble and DeKalb counties, are eligible to apply for grants for a project or service up to $5,000.
All grant applications must have written documentation of your 501(c)(3) and your federal ID number (EIN) must be included.
Each ORU funding recipient is approved by a volunteer grant review board. The funds are transferred to the Operation Round Up Trust Fund at the Noble County Community Foundation, which distributes the funds and performs the accounting functions for the trust. Administrative costs for this program are minimal. The contributions are tax-deductible.
The success of the program is due to the generosity of the REMC members who allow us to round up their bill. If you choose not to participate, click here for an opt-out form.