Join us for some family fun at your Member Appreciation Event from 5:30-8 p.m. on May 29 at the Noble County Community Fairgrounds!

  • Front of building
    Noble REMC
    Built by our community to serve our community since 1936.

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News From Your Co-op

  • Stay in the know

    Stay connected by keeping your contact information up to date. Current contact information benefits you in multiple ways.

  • Bringing unique value to our community

    Electric cooperatives stand out from other types of businesses because we are built and led by the communities we serve. As independent, not-for-profit electric utilities, we are owned and governed by our local members–– not by outside shareholders or investors. That is a powerful difference.

Our Mission

Noble REMC: Where safety is the standard and members are the priority.

About Us

Founded in 1936 in Albion, Indiana, Noble Rural Electric Membership Cooperative (REMC), a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, has provided electricity and other services to rural residents for more than 85 years.

The cooperative delivers electricity to nearly 10,000 members in Noble, DeKalb and six other surrounding counties in northeast Indiana, spanning more than 1,265 miles of energized line.

Although located in Albion, the cooperative considers its entire service territory as its community. Noble REMC is a leader in local economic and community development, and many of our employees and directors have been, and continue to be, an integral part of a range of community organizations.

As a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, we are among more than 700 other rural electric cooperatives who have pledged to maintain high expectations for customer service, integrity, accountability, innovation and community service.

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